Connecting Numbers to History in Enlightenment Lecture

Connecting Numbers to History in Enlightenment Lecture

An engaging and captivating Enlightenment Lecture was delivered by Sarah Hart, Professor of Geometry at Gresham College, entitled ‘Florence Nightingale and the Mathematics of Illness’, chaired by Henry (Upper Sixth, Harcourt). With great enthusiasm, Professor Hart...
Ascending New Heights in Enlightenment Lecture

Ascending New Heights in Enlightenment Lecture

Sixth Form students were joined by our Third Form Scholars for the latest Enlightenment Lecture, delivered by expert climber and explorer, Stuart McAleese. Pupils were transported away from the lightly snow-dusted grounds of Cokethorpe School, to the heavily...
Expanding Minds: The Enlightenment Lecture Programme

Expanding Minds: The Enlightenment Lecture Programme

The Enlightenment Lecture programme kicked off the academic year in fine form, beginning with a fantastic and informative talk by Professor Magda Osman, presented by our Head of School, Nancy (Upper Sixth, Swift). Professor Osman’s lecture explored the concept of the...
Enlightening Minds with Graffiti

Enlightening Minds with Graffiti

Sixth Form students were delighted to attend their first in this year’s series of Enlightenment lectures from Dr Elizabeth Gemmill, a fellow of Kellogg College on ‘Cokethorpe Graffiti’.  Oscar (Lower Sixth, Vanbrugh) said of the visit ‘The Shed was packed with...